Little tabernacles
He has given us each other as gifts—both on this side of Heaven and the next—to walk in community and enjoy God forever —together.
The Power of Vulnerability: Embracing Love and Risk
God has given us each other as gifts—both on this side of Heaven and the next—to walk in community and enjoy Him forever, together.
praying like my toddler
Take a moment and think about your children and their relentless questions. How they cling to you without any pretense. Now think about the verse above and Jesus’ response in Mark 10. What does this communicate about what Jesus wants from YOU when you come to him?
barren faith
When He looked at the greatest suffering, the cross, He didn’t see a tool. He didn’t see a resource. He saw his SON. And when he looks at me he sees a DAUGHTER. He sits in my suffering with me. He sends me the church to walk through it with me. And ultimately, He is able to redeem it and somehow grow something beautiful from it.
lessons from Ruth
He can handle my desperation. He’s not afraid of the mess I made or the mess I’m in. And once I face it, I actually see Him waiting in it for me.
when i can’t tape the book back together
I can only hope that the truth from this book will seep into her heart deeper than any poor parenting tactics I will try throughout the years. I hope that she and I will both experience this beautiful grace as we live and grow together.